Remote Space Clearing to Energetically Transform Your Home

Feel Like It’s Time to Clear the Energy in Your Space?

If you’ve been feeling unwell or experiencing stress, tension, or illness in your space, a remote space clearing for your home may be exactly what you need.

Whether you’ve undergone a significant transformation or are about to move to a new space, ensuring that the energy in your environment aligns with your new self is crucial for a perfect start.

My energy clearings go beyond just burning sage!

I will clear out and release stagnant, negative, heavy, and wayward spirit energy from your home or business space. In addition to opening sacred space and smudging with sacred plant medicines such as sage, cedar, mugwort, lavender, and more, I use different methods to clear negative and stuck energies.

I will check for stuck, stagnant, old emotions, old thought forms, fear and anxiety energy within your house, the energy of the land below your building/house, and any negative land impregnations from old/ancient times. I will also look for entities, spirits, ley lines (energy lines), curses, bad karma and energy vortexes in and around your home.

I am trained by The 8th Fire School of Shamanism to offer sacred shamanic space clearings for your home.

Why book a Space Clearing?

The benefits of this work can reach beyond just removing bad energy. Keeping your energy clear is just as important as keeping your physical space clean for overall well-being.

Whether it’s to rid your living space of bad energy or to help prepare yourself mentally for a new venture, space energy clearing is an ancient practice that can provide powerful personal benefits.

A house is like a sponge. Whatever happens in it’s environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. If you have had an adverse event happen recently or experienced a lot of sadness or fear, there is a high chance that your space will have absorbed some of that energy.

Negative energy build up accumulates into what I call energy debris, which results from negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you (your family or past occupants) have experienced in your space.

At times — in particular, for older houses or houses (and offices) that other people have occupied before you — those energies can have accumulated over time and be connected to tragic events you do not know about.

Space clearing will provide long-term benefits and create a more peaceful and harmonious atmosphere for yourself or your space and open up new possibilities.

How Do I know If I need Remote Space Clearing?

Being here on this website is no coincidence. Trust your intuition. Sometimes, we just know deep down that we need professional help and guidance.

Have you noticed any changes in your well-being or the atmosphere of your home since moving in? It’s important to pay attention to how you and your family are feeling. If you’ve been experiencing more frequent illness, heightened emotional distress, or disturbances in sleep, it’s worth considering the impact of your living environment.

Are you finding yourself in more disagreements with your partner or family lately? Do you notice someone being more tense or aggressive?

No matter how well you sleep, you always wake up feeling drained. Your home never feels like a restful place.

Have you ever felt like there’s someone else in the room with you? Perhaps your children have been behaving strangely, claiming they see people or becoming upset when left alone. Have your pets been acting oddly, like barking at nothing or staring at empty spaces? Maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of your eye. In extreme cases, you might even experience undeniable signs of a presence, such as unexplained noises or objects moving on their own.

Have you heard about the phenomenon of “divorce houses”? These are homes where divorce after divorce seems to occur, as if the negative energy of past separations lingers within the walls. It’s as if the extreme unhappiness and discord are deeply embedded in the very fabric of the house.

I’ve encountered situations where clients struggled to sell a property for years, until we cleared its energy. Believe it or not, prospective buyers are more intuitive than you might imagine. They can sense negative energies and may choose not to invest as a result.

How It Works

To get started, simply schedule a Free Chat (contact me via email or text) as a meet-and-greet to answer any questions and provide an overview of the process. If you decide to proceed with a Clearing,

What I will need from you

  • Floor plan of your home (can be hand drawn)
  • Your address
  • Preferred date and time
  • Send full payment

One the day of your remote session

I will carefully move through each room of your home, checking for stuck and stagnant energy. Smudging your space with sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass.

I will call upon the wisdom of the Algonquin Ancestors and my Animal Spirit guides to guide and protect the space, infusing it with their positive and nurturing energies. Together, we will create a harmonious environment that fosters peace, balance, and tranquility.

The goal is to uplift, revitalize and transform the energy of your home.

To conclude, I call in and place a Spirit Animal protector for your home that will bring their medicines and teachings to the space.

Remote Visit

Cost: $325

I will connect with your space remotely using the address and the drawings of your home’s floor plan that you have provided.

You don’t need to be at home during the Clearing, but you should be available by phone or video afterwards for a follow-up discussion.


  • Single home within Canada and the US
  • Takes 90 minutes to 2 hours, based on the average 2 storey home.
  • A 45 minutes call to discuss the results.
  • Follow up email/call 1-2 weeks after the clearing to check in on the energy.

In-person visits are by request

Schedule a Free Chat (contact me via email or text) to discuss

Cost: $480+

Once I arrive at your home we’ll start with a Meet and Greet. All occupants will leave during the clearing to prevent energy mingling. I will perform the sacred Smudging ceremony while you are away.


  • Within Ottawa city limits, and surrounding areas
  • Based on average for an 2 storey 1800 sq ft property is takes btw 4 – 5hrs.
  • Round trip travel fee of $120/hour
  • Follow up email/call 1-2 weeks after the clearing to check in on the energy.
  • $120 for each additional hour on site.
Sacred Shadow Work with Jennifer ~ An Shamanic Approach for Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. © 2006 - 2024 All Rights Reserved | web design by Jennifer (me) from Lapbaby Designs