Soul’s Reflection Meditation

6 week Course

This transformative meditation practice is based on Celtic and Traditional Shamanic, Sacred Shadow Work, and Mindfulness teachings.

Through the Soul’s Reflection Mediation practice, you will learn how to effortlessly enter an altered state of consciousness, interact with your inner spiritual world and explore your Soul’s Reflection, this is how your subconscious see yourself, a reflection of what’s going on the inside of you and how you relate to yourself.

In the modern world, many of us struggle to find inner peace and contentment. We often feel disconnected from our inner self, leading to feelings of emptiness, loneliness, lack of purpose, stress and overwhelm.

Soul’s Meditation offers a way to re-connect with your inner self and the Divine. This practice draws on ancient wisdom and combines it with modern techniques to create a unique and transformative experience.

Discover Souls’ Reflection Meditation Practice

A Unique Approach to Spiritual Healing

Unlike traditional meditation practices which aim to empty the mind, Soul’s Reflection Meditation encourages the practitioner to engage with their inner selves and explore their spiritual connections. The techniques you will learn  can help you overcome emotional and physical traumas, find inner peace, and connect with their purpose in life.

My goal with this course is to come together in circle, to offer a safe and supportive space, to present and explore the spiritual work that I’ve learned and that will help you create long-lasting shifts and to awaken you to your own sacredness, gifts and medicines.

Join me for a 6-week journey of creating sacred space, grounding and centering your mind-body, cleansing your aura, connecting with inner guides, strengthening your energy body, and nurturing your divine connection. Each week, you will have ample time to practice meditating and sharing your experiences.

So if you are looking to deepen your spiritual practice and heal yourself from within, join me on this journey of self-discovery through Soul’s Meditation.

Next Course

This course will be repeated when we have enough people signed up. Please let us know if you are interested! Thanks!

7:00 – 9:00 pm EST

Cost: $240

Space is limited, 12 spots only, so register early.

Location: Online via Zoom

** Video Recording and handouts will be available for each class**

All levels Welcome – For those who have never meditated before, and for those some or more experience who want to deepen their Spiritual practice.

The Importance of Listening to Your Soul

Your mind and body reflect the state of your spirit or soul .

When we refuse to listen to ourselves and instead succumb to external influences dictating who we should be, it can lead to disharmony.

By listening to our soul, we are able to align our thoughts and actions with our true desires and values. This can lead to a sense of peace and fulfillment that cannot be achieved through external validation alone. It’s important to take the time to reflect on what truly matters to us and to honor those feelings by making choices that align with our inner selves.

When we prioritize our own needs and desires, we are able to show up in the world as our most authentic selves, which in turn can inspire others to do the same.

So if you are longing for a way to take the time to listen to your soul, honor your inner voice, and live a life that feels true to you, then I invite you to join us.

Jennifer is not psychotherapist. Her healing work practice uses shamanic based methods, and a holistic Spiritual approach, She does not offer medical or psychological advice. If you need a referral to a therapist or a psychiatrist I can help you.

Sacred Shadow Work with Jennifer ~ An Shamanic Approach for Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. © 2006 - 2024 All Rights Reserved | web design by Jennifer (me) from Lapbaby Designs