6 minute Meditation to Lead a Stress-free Existence
The following yogic movements and meditations are done sequentially.
They’re a good morning, or before bed practise. Whenever you need to get your calm back.
- To begin please find a comfortable seated posture either in a chair or on the floor cross legged.
- Take a few moments to center yourself with Medicine Wheel breathing. Begin by inhaling through the nose to the count of four and exhaling through the nose to the count of 4.
- Do this until you feel calm and ready to start.
Exercise 1
Place your arms up at the sides at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal, with the palms facing up and inward. Elbows are straight. Shake your hands vigorously, allowing your arms, shoulders, body, and legs to shake along with them. Shake all that stress out!
- Time: 3 Minutes
Once the 3 Minutes are up, inhale deeply, hold still with your arm and hands straight. Squeeze all the muscle along the spine. Hold this for 10 secs. Then exhale.
Now move onto the next exercise
Exercise 2
Place your arms straight out in front, horizontal to the ground. Bend your wrists toward you, so that the Jupiter finger (index finger) points upward. The other fingers are curled under the thumb. Moving only your wrists, rotate the Jupiter fingers outward, then downward, then inward, then upward again. The right hand will have its Jupiter finger rotating clockwise around the wrist, and the left hand counter-clockwise.The arms remain straight and stationary. Try to keep the Jupiter finger in a vertical plane moving around the wrist.
- Time: 3 Minutes – Then inhale, hold and squeeze. Hold for 10 secs, and then exhale. Repeat this two more times.
Contemplate your experience.
Now take a few moments to sense whatever you are feeling and/or thinking.
Note from me
The most important thing is to do your best and honor where you at at – physically/mentally/emotionally. So no worries if you need to relax the arms during any of the exercises, just let the clock run and when you are ready bring the arms back to the posture and continue with the movement. With each practice you will get stronger and stronger.
Jennifer’s tip: Try this out for a few days. Positive physical and mental effects of a yoga practice are cumulative. So, the more you practice, the more you will benefit.
From a Shamanic healing perceptive stress, worry and anxious feelings are just symptoms and there’s always an underlying root cause for your issues. Are you ready to make the steps towards healing and heal the root cause of your stress? It would be an honour for me to work with you on this healing. Book your session today!
Note: Sacred Shamanic Shadow Work and Jennifer Malisauskas do not provide diagnoses, medical or psychological services. Please contact your healthcare provider for those services.