
Working with Jennifer changed my life. It opened the doors to deep inner healing that occurred faster in two beginner sessions than months of coaching work or other work combined for years. It got me to the root of my limiting beliefs with regards to relationships and cultivate a healthier relationship with myself, thus improving those in my life. I am so grateful for her guidance and working together..

A.S. PhysicianAlberta Canada

Thank you for opening a portal into what has been one of the most profound, sacred spiritual journeys that I’ve ever embarked on. I guess the day I saw you aligned really well with the cosmic frequency. So many connections came to fruition. There is just so much, but I am receiving signs all day. I cannot thank you enough for your guidance. Thank you again; words do not express enough of my gratitude. Light and Love.

M.T. TherapistOntario, Canada
A.E.Ontario, Canada
Hi Jennifer, a quick note to say HOW MUCH things have improved for me since our session. I had normal apprehension and anxiety since then and I was able to sleep well and be with the sensation; it didn’t rule me. My presentation went really well. I can’t believe how helpful these Reiki sessions are, you have a client for life!
M.L.Registered Nurse - Ontario, Canada

Wonderful session with Jennifer, help to narrow in and focus exactly where I needed to go.

J.C.Ontario, Canada

Dear Jennifer, l am so grateful. You helped me to get rid of that concussion feeling in my head. It is powerful !

R.A.A.Ontario, Canada

When I met Jennifer, I had so much things on going. My journey with her has been fantastic especially as she helped me on processing with negative energies related to stress and relieved me a lot about so many things. If I check my life from the day one I contacted her and now, it is like the night and the day. She definitely helped me to be in a better spot thanks to her shamanic knowledge. Thank you.

C.G.Government Worker - Ontario, Canada

With all my heart I recommend taking an inner journey with Jennifer. She is a genuine powerhouse with solid, trustworthy knowledge. Her skill set is strong and she has a wide variety of techniques packed in her healing tool kit. If you are new to energy healing, you can trust you will be safely guided through inner realms and back by Jennifer. If you are a seasoned healer at a crossroads or needing a little nudge, you will respect her knowledge, ethics and kindness in accommodating your beliefs and experience on the adventure. And, of course, most importantly….you’ll get the results you have been searching for and the answers you have been seeking.

J.M.Retired College Administrator - Ontario, Canada

Jennifer’s shamanic healing sessions (individual and group sessions) are amazing and very effective. She is a blessing and always kind, respectful, attentive to my needs, and very effective in her work.  My sessions with Jennifer are smooth and I see the results soon after, to my delight. During difficult circumstances, Jennifer was there for me after I emailed her to request an appointment (via Zoom) with her. She was ready to help me, and for example, in just one session she was able to clear the problem!  I then felt so relieved and much better.  I am truly grateful for Jennifer and that our paths have crossed this year. A highlight in my year!

R.A.Governement Worker - Ontario, Canada

Working with Jennifer has been a unique experience for me. Her friendly and welcoming attitude and gentle guidance allowed me to explore safely my inner world and uncover the information that I need to grow. Jennifer is always respectfully holding space for me while helping me make sense of my experience. Working with her was a great support to help me befriend my inner shadow world and learn to work with it. She is dedicated and will take the time needed to help. My whole experience with her has been positive.

M.L.Nurse - Ontario, Canada

I love those healing nights. They are always a nice surprise and very helpful. I have a lot of nightmares but since seeing Jennifer and participating in those healing meditations, I can affirm that they are reduced by at least 80 percent. Thank you Jennifer

Gisele A.Ontario, Canada

My experience with Jennifer was enlightening and empowering. She touched core issues that helped me understand certain problems I faced in my life. I was very happy with my overall experience and plan to take more sessions with her.

NathalieMassage Therapist - Québec, Canada

Jennifer is a gifted and talented guide. Through working with her I was able to go much deeper than I ever have been able to on my own. I always felt safe and supported although shadow work is never easy. I would not hesitate to recommend her and I look forward to working with her again in the future.

J.C.Ontario, Canada

Jennifer will remain an essential part of my journey toward healing and self-growth. Jennifer’s healing sessions have helped me broaden my awareness in numerous ways. I have not only gained more clarity about the abuse I have suffered as a child and teenager but also how I can move forward in my life in a positive way. With the help of her healing sessions, I gained the motivation to move out of my hometown and distance myself from toxic family dynamics. I decided to go back to school to pursue a career that truly feeds my soul. Overall, I was able to move on to a much more positive chapter in my life.

T.E.Ontario, Canada

Jennifer is perfect! She is really helpful and knows what is the best for you. The session was an amazing experience. Thank you.

C.G.Ontario, Canada

A healing session with Jennifer is sublime and entrancing! This ethereal healer has a special and intuitive gift that am blessed to have experienced. I left (reluctantly) calm, peaceful, enlightened as well as exalted and renewed. Having had such an extraordinary experience I enrolled in one of her Jennifer’s yoga class and found it to be as equally amazing!. You shall feel blessed, as I have,to have found this wonderful graceful healer/yoga teacher/life coach.

LizaFlight attendant - Ontario, Canada

Jennifer is a great listener who is focused and attentive. She has a very calming, relaxing, healing presence.

EmileFamily Mediator - Ontario, Canada

Great session, personable and friendly and well informed.

J.G.Ontario, Canada

Our space is feeling better; lighter, calmer, more grounded. I’m really pleased, and still in awe a bit of how much things have shifted.

MeghanAcupuncturist - Ontario, Canada

I have experienced healing ceremonies facilitated by Jennifer by distance. She is highly intuitive and can find what needs healing without me telling her. If you have physical or emotional pain and want to heal its source, I highly recommend a session with Jennifer.

Tania Frechette in a yoga pose
Tania FrechetteTania Frechette Creative Ottawa Graphic Web Designertaniafrechette.com

I recently had a healing session with Jennifer Malisauskas, and it was absolutely amazing. I was looking to move forward from a traumatic event from 20+ years ago, and when I learned more about her work, I knew it was the modality for me. Great experience!

Tracy Jenks Wilson Certified Sex Coach
Tracy Jenks WilsonCertified Sex Coach * Talk-only Coachingtracypassiondiva.com

The energy healing sessions I have had with Jennifer help to lighten the load! Life throws so much at us — sometimes we just need to sweep out the cobwebs and let the sunshine in. Reiki and shamanic healing helped me feel lighter and brighter.

Kamal PremRetired Government Worker - Ontario, Canada

Your healing was so powerful and the guidance was exactly what I needed to hear. I have been taking it to heart and working on implementing it. Thank you for your help!

N.R.Ontario, Canada

Putting yourself in the hands of Jennifer during a healing session let’s you melt into the trust of the Divine. With her gentle, thoughtful, insightful approach you can heal and release what needs to be so. What a blessing.

Diane Meherbani DesrochersKundalini Yoga Teacher - Ontario, Canadawww.meherbaniyoga.com
Today has been amazingly balanced without that panic and heart tightness. Beautiful energy shifting and wonderful imagery to work with… so grateful!
JanetOntario, Canada

Jennifer’s dedication to the pursuit of healing others through the use of alternative methods such as Reiki and shamanism is unwavering. She is both personable and professional and provides a relaxed comfortable setting.

SallyOntario, Canada

With all my heart I recommend taking an inner journey with Jennifer. She is a genuine powerhouse with solid, trustworthy knowledge.  Her skill set is strong and she has a wide variety of techniques packed in her healing tool kit. If you are new to energy healing, you can trust you will be safely guided through inner realms and back by Jennifer. If you are a seasoned healer at a crossroads or needing a little nudge, you will respect her knowledge, ethics and kindness in accommodating your beliefs and experience on the adventure. And, of course, most importantly….you’ll get the results you have been searching for and the answers you have been seeking.

JillOntario, Canada

My experience with the session was most positive. Firstly the choice of the rock was very telling as I finally picked the only stone that I wasn’t choosing until the healer asked me if that was my final choice probably sensing what I most needed. And she was right.

Jennifer is a neighbour and it could have been intimidating however she was most respectful and non-intrusive which I appreciated.

The experience was most surprising in its effect and journey I did in such a short time. The resistance I felt in my body was exactly where the healer sensed it and concentrated the release of blockage.

In my visualization I wasn’t grounded only being able to set my tree roots at near earth surface more or less but found a place where I felt myself well and finding peace in nature. At the end of the session the earth was much more moist and I could dig my roots in the earth and found myself in action moving through the scene and going further enjoying various places of nature namely the river. I was more in peace and calm with myself, my feeling of /spirit able to be uplifted to the top of tall trees through which the sun shone and brought a warm wonder well-being feeling.

In terms of my question at the beginning, the answer was change effecting not only in perception of but also as my response to the issue, in fact it was a complete 360 turn around which to this day is vivid in my mind and helpful in many instances. I had gone through psychological therapy/counselling a number of times and even though I learned and was helped, it was never as quickly, vivid and meaningful for me as this session was on the one point.

I intend to go back at a later date. Thanks to the healer who was placed on my way.

MaureenOttawa, Ontario
Sacred Shadow Work with Jennifer ~ An Shamanic Approach for Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. © 2006 - 2024 All Rights Reserved | web design by Jennifer (me) from Lapbaby Designs