Work with Me

Are you ready to embark on a transformative Shamanic Healing journey to explore the depths of you mind, body and spirit with Jennifer Malisauskas.

Each session is tailored to address your specific needs and goals. Drawing from a diverse range of practices and teachings, I create an unique blend, a customized approach to support your journey towards holistic well-being.

Whether it’s incorporating shamanic Journey work, sacred shadow work, mindfulness practices, energy healing work, guided visualization, active imagination or a combination of these modalities, each session is designed to provide you with a transformative and enriching experience.


Interested in working with me but you have some questions?

Send me a text or email to coordinate scheduling a free 20-minute Zoom or Phone Strategy Session.

Please provide your full name, email, and phone number in your message. Additionally, suggest 3 potential dates and times you are available, and I will schedule the one that aligns with my calendar.


If you don’t have any questions and are ready to start.

Book an EMBACK Session today!

Single sessions (For new or follow up clients):

  • 1 hr 45 min (Initial)
  • 1 hr 30 min (Follow Up)
  • 2 hr (In-depth)

During this initial or follow up appointment, we will have ample time to discuss your concerns, obstacles, struggles, and areas where you need assistance. The rest of the session will be dedicated to providing you with personalized shamanic healing work to address your specific needs.

After the session concludes, we can explore the next steps, which may involve simply scheduling a follow-up 90-minute session when you are ready to come back in or buying one of my 3, 6, 10 session packages.


Choose a Package


This 3 session package is designed to kickstart your transformation journey, ignite the healing process and initiate a change in your life.

​This package is perfect for anyone who needs some support and self-discovery. It’s also a great opportunity for anyone who wants to try Shamanic Healing for the first time!


This 6 session package is aimed help you break-free and overcome obstacles, core issues, old wounds that have been holding you back. The sessions will incorporate specific shamanic journey and energy work to uncover why you do what you do, what’s at the root of self-sabotage, Sabotaging Behaviors, Unhealthy Attachments, Relationship Struggles and more. Embrace the chance to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you, and unlock the potential for profound personal growth and healing.


This package, I call the BIG 10, aims to help you connect or reconnect with your true self. Unraveling from past hurts and pain can require time, patience, consistency, and a generous dose of self-compassion. By focusing on emotional, mental, physical or spiritual approach it enables a complete transformation, leading to freedom and inner peace. This package offers a unique opportunity to deeply explore the shamanic healing practices I offer.


** All package sessions are 90 minutes each. Can either be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly.

Other Offerings

Apart from my CORE sessions, I offer the following IN-DEPTH sessions.and program

Quantum Shamanic Reiki
A gentle, non-invasive energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances the body’s natural healing processes. Through the laying on of hands, I channel universal life energy to balance the chakras and restore harmony within the body.

Release Unhealthy Attachments & Optimize Energy Protection
Dealing with these types of energy can leave you feeling tired, unwell, down, anxious, depressed, facing challenges, or finding life difficult. These signs may suggest you have an overload of negativity in your energy field.

Past Life Healing Session
Doing a Past Life Healing Journey is a profound tool for understanding and healing, offering a unique lens through which you can inspect, understand, and ultimately heal past traumas or experiences that may be shaping your present.

Advanced Soul Retrieval Program
This advanced journey work’s goal is to retrieve your lost Soul Parts, address unresolved issues, and uncover your core wounds, trauma themes, and unhealthy patterns.

Please note

Jennifer is not psychotherapist. Her shadow work practice uses shamanic based methods, and a holistic Spiritual approach, She does not offer medical or psychological advice. If you need a referral to a therapist or a psychiatrist I can help you.

Jennifer will remain an essential part of my journey toward healing and self-growth. Jennifer’s healing sessions have helped me broaden my awareness in numerous ways. I have not only gained more clarity about the abuse I have suffered as a child and teenager but also how I can move forward in my life in a positive way. With the help of her healing sessions, I gained the motivation to move out of my hometown and distance myself from toxic family dynamics. I decided to go back to school to pursue a career that truly feeds my soul. Overall, I was able to move on to a much more positive chapter in my life.

With all my heart I recommend taking an inner journey with Jennifer. She is a genuine powerhouse with solid, trustworthy knowledge.  Her skill set is strong and she has a wide variety of techniques packed in her healing tool kit. If you are new to energy healing, you can trust you will be safely guided through inner realms and back by Jennifer. If you are a seasoned healer at a crossroads or needing a little nudge, you will respect her knowledge, ethics and kindness in accommodating your beliefs and experience on the adventure. And, of course, most importantly….you’ll get the results you have been searching for and the answers you have been seeking.


I love those healing nights. They are always a nice surprise and very helpful. I have a lot of nightmares but since seeing Jennifer and participating in those healing meditations, I can affirm that they are reduced by at least 80 percent. Thank you Jennifer

Gisele A.

Jennifer is a gifted and talented guide. Through working with her I was able to go much deeper than I ever have been able to on my own. I always felt safe and supported although shadow work is never easy. I would not hesitate to recommend her and I look forward to working with her again in the future.

Jody .C.

Jennifer is perfect! She is really helpful and knows what is the best for you. The session was an amazing experience. Thank you.


My experience with Jennifer was enlightening and empowering. She touched core issues that helped me understand certain problems I faced in my life. I was very happy with my overall experience and plan to take more sessions with her.


During our sessions, we can venture into various types of ceremonies, energy medicine work and journey work

Here are some I can offer:

  • Power Retrieval Journey – the purpose of a power retrieval journey is to reclaim lost aspects (our power) of oneself that may have been given away or taken due to life experiences, trauma, or challenges.
  • Changing our Manifestation Mechanism – clearing and removing the non-conscious energetic signals we put our there – these are our fears around abandonment, betrayal, rejection, limiting beliefs about our self worth, the unhealthy thoughts about of abilities and emotions. So you can stop attracting the same situations over and over again.
  • Healing your Shadow Side – Address the parts of yourself you ignore, push down, or avoid, such as your Inner-Saboteur, Protector Self, Wounded Inner Child, Negative Self talk, Inner Sorcerer and out-dated coping, defense and strategies mechanisms.
  • Different Energy Healing methods to Release and clear stress build up – energetic, mental and emotional blocks. Lighten your heaviness – harmonizing your energy. Restore, Activate and Optimize the your total energy system –  Chakras, Aura and energy channels (Nadis/Meridians)
  • Optimizing your Soul’s Reflection – If our subconscious image of our-self  differs from our conscious image this causes duality, imbalance, inner conflict which often is the reason people feel stuck.
  • Working your Spirit Helpers – Power Animals, Energy Protector and Spirit Guides
  • Dreaming Ceremony – Discover your Destiny, dreaming your life into being & connect with your Life Purpose.
  • Releasing Unhealthy Attachments – Releasing Negative Energy via Cord Cutting, Entity Extractions, and Binding removals (PS I have a specialized session dedicated to this work)
  • Removal of Entity Energy – these are harmful thoughts forms, limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns, addictions, emotional imbalances that came from an outside source that you’ve internalized overtime.
  • Calibrate and Correct Energetic Weaknesses, Predispositions, Affinities & Non-Conscious Signals that create attract harmful outcomes.
  • Ancestral and Karmic Healing – family lineage trauma, and past life karma
  • And more

You’ll Explore

Entering an altered state of consciousness through a variety of mind-body-breath techniques, to connect you with your non-ordinary world (inner spiritual realm) in order to seeking answers, healing, and insight.

Shamanic journeying to connect with your inner spiritual realm via shamanic journeying and various active imagination techniques to interact with your subconscious mind, non-ordinary world, spirit realm for the purpose of retrieving hidden information, deeper understanding of ourselves, to connect with our guides, to receive guidance, and facilitate healing.

Active imagination methods to explore your inner landscapes, confront your fears, and unlock hidden aspects of yourself by tapping into the depths of your creativity and unlock hidden potential within yourself. It’s a method or process for interacting with one’s thoughts, feelings or fantasies. It serves as a mental tool to connect with the subconscious mind. In the realm of Jungian psychology, it acts as a means to link the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind.

Sacred Shadow Work to explore and address the parts of yourself that you typically keep hidden or suppressed. It involves delving into your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in order to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and to promote personal growth. By shining a light on these shadow aspects, we can bring them into the open, acknowledge them, and work towards integrating them into our conscious self.

Energy Healing Medicine Work a gentle touch or non-touch techniques, this form of healing works to optimize your energy flow, allowing you to experience a sense of deep relaxation and well-being. Whether you are seeking relief from physical pain, emotional stress, or simply looking to enhance your overall vitality, it can offer you a holistic approach to wellness. It can align your energy centers, clear away negativity, and invite in positive intention to support your spiritual journey.

If you are looking for a shamanic approach to healing, to work with someone who will treat you as a Whole Being not just a symptom, diagnosis or an ailment. I am that gal.

I would be glad to be an integrative part in your healing journey. You don’t have to do it alone, the more options you bring into the healing process the better.

What happens in a Session

  • We’ll connect in-person or via zoom/phone at the scheduled time and you’ll start by telling me about a bit yourself and what issue you’d like to focus for our session.
  • During the session, we may use Stone Medicine and the tracking wheel to reveal the cause of your issue to help us get to it’s root.
  • To set the foundation, we’ll work with Traditional grounding work and deep breathing.
  • We’ll Journeying into the Sacred Divine, “non-ordinary” reality, via a shamanic journey, Reiki or other Shamanic Energy Healing Work for the intents and purposes of obtaining information and healing.
  • When we leave behind the world we see into the world of the invisible, unseen and unknown we gather and experience information that is will help us understand, heal and evolve our issue.
  • Finishing the session with time relax and chat about your experience, teachings and learning your received from your journey and discuss your next steps.

What to expect after a Shamanic or Energy Healing Session

After a one-on-one session my clients often tell me they

  • Feel different. A shift, and a change has happened that they can’t explain in words, it’s like a feeling.
  • Feel more “solid”, “contained” and grounded.
  • Are more present, centered, and regain their aliveness
  • Are less triggered by, or entangled with their issue(s) when they think about it
  • Have a deeper sense of self, more connected with their body.
  • Feel lighter, energized, awake, and alive
  • Become awareness of our harmful choices, behaviors, and decisions so they can make changes.
  • Mental clarity and physical wellbeing improves
  • and more

Clients often tell me after their one-on-one Shamanic Healing sessions with me they :

  • “I feel so much lighter, aligned, clearer, calmer, more grounded”
  • “I had all the answers inside of me but I just needed a different way to look for them”
  • “I left calm, peaceful, enlightened as well as exalted and renewed”
  • “The healing was so powerful and the guidance was exactly what I needed to hear”
  • “I know exactly what I need to do!”

Meet Shaman Jen

I work with people who desire to become the creators and dream makers of their life. She has shown her clients how powerful journey into the Shamanic Realms, non-ordinal reality, can help them love and accept themselves. follow their intuition and gut, create healthy boundaries, finds happiness from within, welcome change, and live their life’s purpose to their Soul’s Destiny.

I’ll help you transform your life.

My effective healing program has helped clients just like you overcoming fears, clear subconscious blocks, change limiting beliefs, call back lost soul parts and power and healing the past.

As an introvert I have become comfortable speaking in front of others, overcame the fear of driving, worked through my social shyness by feeling the fear and doing it anyway. People tell me I’m a great listener who is focused and attentive. They tell me I have a very calming, relaxing, healing presence.

Sacred Shadow Work with Jennifer ~ An Shamanic Approach for Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. © 2006 - 2024 All Rights Reserved | web design by Jennifer (me) from Lapbaby Designs