Celtic Wiccan Soul Retrieval Sessions

Mending the Fragmented Self.

Join me for a one-of-a-kind experience that blends my Celtic Shamanic and Wiccan practice with the ancient wisdom of The 8th Fire’s Algonquin teachings. It’s a transformative journey you won’t want to miss!

How do you know if you need a Soul Retrieval?

Do you relate to any of these?

  • Ever have a difficult time staying “present” in your body?
  • Ever feel as if you’re outside your body?
  • Ever feel numb, empty, deadened, hopeless, scattered, or incomplete?
  • Have unexplained bouts of sadness or depression?
  • Experience a disconnect with oneself or others or life?
  • Struggle to move on from a difficult situation despite putting in great efforts?
  • Wonder why therapy work isn’t resolving your issues?
  • Struggle with additions to, for example, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or gambling?
  • Sense that you have blacked out significant traumatic events in your life?
  • Feel stuck despite attempts to progress or efforts to move forward?
  • Try to fill an internal void or emptiness with external things?
  • Believe a part of you was taken, left behind, given away or missing?
  • Have problems with your health?
  • Notice you are missing memories or have gaps in your personal history?

The most precious gift we can give ourselves is rediscovering those lost parts and bringing them back home. Confronting the darkness requires a great deal of bravery, but it is the necessary path to healing and returning to the light.

Sandra Ingerman writes:
“There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal..”
Sacred Shadow Soul Retrival Work
Sandra Ingerman writes:
“The core concept of Soul Loss is that during times of trauma, a part of our essential being separates from us to endure the experience by escaping the full intensity of the pain.”

What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul retrieval is a shamanic practice aimed at recovering lost fragments of the soul that have dissociated due to trauma or significant life events.

These fragments are often lost as a natural defence mechanism to protect the individual from overwhelming pain or distress. Reclaiming these parts makes a person feel more whole, balanced, and connected to their true self.

How Does the Process Work?

Sessions are 90 minutes. Can be experienced in-person or remotely via Zoom.

As a trained shamanic practitioner, I will facilitate your soul retrieval. I will test to see which one of your three Celtic cauldrons (Druid’s “Chakras”) I need to explore to find your fragmented part.

Through various techniques such as drumming, music and breathwork, I will enter an altered state of consciousness and non-ordinary space to locate and retrieve the lost soul part associated with the issue you shared with me at the beginning of the session.

This journey often involves communication with the cauldron’s guardian, spirit guides or power animals to aid in the recovery process. I may communicate parts of what I am seeing and experiencing while on the journey as well. Once I find and retrieve the needed part, I will bring it back to ordinary space (conscious time), where I will then gently reintegrate it by blowing the soul part back into your cauldron’s energy field.

After this, you’ll have some time to rest and let the integration process continue. To finish, you will share your experience, and we’ll discuss next steps and how you want to support your returned Soul part.

Is Soul Retrieval Right for Me?

It might be worth exploring this healing practice if you feel drawn to what you’ve read so far about my Soul Retrieval work or simply you identify with the symptoms mentioned above.

Remember, the path to healing is deeply personal, and what resonates with one person may differ from another. Trust your instincts and honour your unique journey.

Working with Jennifer has been a unique experience for me. Her friendly and welcoming attitude and gentle guidance allowed me to explore safely my inner world and uncover the information that I need to grow.  Jennifer is always respectfully holding space for me while helping me make sense of my experience.  Working with her was a great support to help me befriend my inner shadow world and learn to work with it. She is dedicated and will take the time needed to help. My whole experience with her has been positive.

M.L.Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Working with Jennifer changed my life. It opened the doors to deep inner healing that occurred faster in two beginner sessions than months of coaching work or other work combined for years. It got me to the root of my limiting beliefs with regards to relationships and cultivate a healthier relationship with myself, thus improving those in my life. I am so grateful for her guidance and working together.

A.S.Montreal, Quebec, Canada

What Can I Expect After a Soul Retrieval?

Post-retrieval, individuals may experience a range of emotions and sensations as they reintegrate the recovered parts of their soul. It’s common to feel renewed energy and purpose, emotional release, and heightened self-awareness. Some may notice improvements in physical health, relationships, and overall well-being. It’s essential to allow time for this reintegration process and to seek support if needed.

Benefits can vary and each experience will be unique:

  • Address long-standing issues with greater ease.
  • Feel more present in your daily life.
  • Manage decisions and changes more effectively.
  • Experience improved or disappearance of specific struggles.
  • Feel a more naturally connection with everything around you.
  • Encounter a heightened sense of presence.
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