Trauma Release Technique Sessions

Release the issues from your tissues.

Trauma Release Technique is an incredibly fast and simple technique that releases emotions/stress connected to current and past trauma.

It is a very simple procedure that activates a person’s energetic body and nervous system that will clear a particular issue from the body in one session. It is safe and very effective in removing the emotional charge of even longstanding issues, for lasting results. You won’t believe it until you try it!

There’s a link between emotions/stress, and physical health. The term “mind-body connection” is commonly used, but in fact emotions and stress trigger a body’s fight, flight or freeze mode. Long term, a continuously activated sympathetic nervous system may contribute to health issues.

This effective “no-talk” technique heals

  • Activates the energetic body and the central nervous system in order to release emotional/traumatic issues. This is energetic bodywork, NOT talk therapy.
  • Address emotional issues or stress, without that person having to recall, talk about, or re-experience the cause.
  • Neutralize the fear, thus taking the nervous system out of flight/fight/freeze mode.
  • Gets great results in one session.

Origin of This Technique

This trauma release technique was developed by André Dückers (Netherlands), an osteopath who taught it to Madeline McBride in July 2023 in England. Madeline brought it to North America and enhanced it with the powerful energy system activation taught by Qi-Matic Healing Master-Instructor James Foo (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). The technique is so simple that you will easily be able to teach it to others.

Madeline McBride is a Certified Bowenwork/Bowen Therapy Practitioner (Advanced) and Neuromuscular Therapist who practices in Ottawa, Ontario. Madeline: “The world needs this Trauma Release. Even if I teach nothing else, I will teach this until I drop. It’s that powerful.”

I learned this technique from Wendy Armstrong, The Wellness Centre. She’s a MHt Certified Master Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher and Practitioner, Usui, Karuna, Quantum Shamanic, and Holy Fire® Reiki, C.C.Ir.® Certified Clinical Iridologist and Shamanic Healer

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