What is negative energy? 5 ways you can deal with it.
The experience of being human often feels weighty and complex, filled with a multitude of emotions and intricacies. Life can present various challenges and burdens that may weigh heavily on our minds and hearts. It encompasses moments of joy, sorrow, struggle, and triumph, creating a dense tapestry of experiences that define our existence. This profound journey involves navigating relationships, responsibilities, and the ever-evolving quest for meaning, all of which contribute to the depth and richness of the human experience.
When we perceive ourselves as merely this dense, solid form, we become more susceptible to the influence of negative energy surrounding us. This limited view can make it easier for external negativity to seep into our being, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.
Navigating daily life in an environment marked by unfavourable attitudes, unkind behaviours, or frustrating interactions can lead to a buildup of tension, conflict, and an overarching sense of unease. The presence of negative energy can be remarkably contagious, seeping into the emotional fabric of everyone within that space and influencing their well-being. If you find yourself surrounded by an overwhelming amount of negativity, it can be helpful to take a step back and explore ways to counteract its impact.
Energy is everything. Everything begins with energy. Everything is created with energy. Everything can be changed with energy.
Every individual possesses a unique essence known as the Soul. This intrinsic part of you embodies your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual essence, shaping your identity and guiding your experiences. The Soul is often seen as the core of your being, reflecting both your strengths and vulnerabilities, and serving as a connection to the deeper aspects of existence and the universe around you.
Below, I invite you to delve into these five effective strategies designed to help you manage and overcome the pervasive cloud of negative energy and inspire you to further connect with your spiritual essence.
- Identify Triggers: Acknowledge the events, places, or people that drain your energy, and take note of them.
- Emotional Check-In: Reflect on your emotions and mental state. Journaling can be a powerful tool for clarity.
Cleansing Techniques
- Smudging: Burning sage or palo santo can help cleanse your space and energy.
- Salt Baths: Immerse yourself in a sea salt bath to purify your energy and enhance it with essential oils for relaxation.
- Crystals: Many believe crystals like black tourmaline or clear quartz can absorb negativity and foster positivity.
Meditation and Grounding
- Meditation: Engage in mindfulness or guided meditation sessions that focus on releasing negativity.
- Grounding Techniques: Connect with nature, visualizing roots extending from your body into the earth for stability and strength.
- Watch this Video
- Grounding Guided Journey: Listen the Audio
Set Boundaries
- Limit Exposure: Protect your well-being by setting boundaries with those who drain your energy.
- Positive Affirmations: Reinforce your personal power using affirmations that focus on releasing negativity.
Seek Support
- Talk to Someone: Sharing your feelings with a friend or professional can offer clarity and support.
- Energy Healers: Consider collaborating with practitioners (like me!) specializing in energy healing or spiritual counselling.
- Join my Healing Circle: Monthly Online Shamanic Journey Nights
Create a Positive Environment
- Declutter: A tidy space fosters a clear mind and positive energy.
- Surround Yourself with Positivity: Engage in uplifting activities and spend time with supportive individuals.
- Creating Sacred Space: Read article
Thank you for reading!
Exploring your connection with your soul can bring profound benefits to your life. By nurturing this relationship, you can unlock inspiration and motivation that fuels your passions and drives personal growth. Keep seeking out those moments that uplift you and encourage self-discovery as they enrich your journey and deepen your understanding of your true self.
Blessings, Jennifer